APRA Annual General Meeting 2018

This year’s APRA AGM will be held on 27th November in the Spicer Street Church hall at 8 pm. As on previous occasions, tea and coffee will be provided by the church staff beforehand (from 7.30 pm). We will start with a short presentation by Jane Parker from the Environment and Waste department of SADC, followed by questions.

One very important business item is a call for new Committee members. Sally Hickman is standing down, reducing the present Committee to seven. We very much need up to three new members, ideally including currently under-represented groups. No special skills are required, but an interest in our Conservation Area is. If you think you might help, please contact Secretary for further information.

You should have received a questionnaire from SADC about car parking permits. If you have replied to this, well done; if not we encourage you to do so as previous surveys have often failed to reach the threshold at which responders’ views need to be taken into account. The deadline is 4th November – the form can be completed on-line at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/permitpolicy

Another piece of news is that we are collaborating with the St Albans Civic Society and others to organize a day to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our Conservation Area. This will be on 6th July next year and will involve an afternoon of talks, an Exhibition (hopefully in the New Museum and Gallery) and an evening celebratory party. Kate Buckley has a major role in organising both the party and involvement of local schools (via competitions connected to Conservation) and she needs helpers Please contact kate@aprastalbans.org if you are able to volunteer for either of these.

We look forward to a good meeting – please bring a neighbour or two with you if you can!




APRA Newsletter June 2018

Our 2018 newsletter includes how we deal with members’ personal data, our social activities, and the state of local roads, pavements and verges.

We ask for your feedback on issues such as car parking, school coaches, planning and enforcement as a prelude to celebrating 50 years of the St Albans Conservation Area in 2019.

You can read the newsletter here


APRA and your personal data

APRA will comply with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 as follows:

We will collect your personal data only with your explicit permission and only such data as are necessary for the normal business of a Residents Association (names, addresses, telephone numbers, subscription status).

We will keep such data on a safe server and will not sell or otherwise make them available to any third party.

You have the right to ask for a copy of all the personal data we have on you.

We will delete your data permanently if they are no longer needed, if you leave APRA, or if you so request.

Annual General Meeting 2017

Abbey Precincts Residents Association, Thursday 9 November 2017 at
Spicer Street Church hall, 7.30 pm
(Please bring a non-member or neighbour with you!)


7.30 – 8.00 pm tea and coffee provided by the Church

Collection of subscriptions.

1. Welcome and Introduction

2. Old Town Hall to New Museum
John Allworth, Construction Manager for Willmot Dixon, will give a talk on the work going on behind the hoardings.

3. Report on the year’s activities
Car Parking – new Zone B. Experience with the new parking arrangements, outstanding issues and ongoing concerns.
Roads and Pavements, Planning matters, Environmental, Social Events, Website/Newsletter

4. Membership and Accounts, Appointment of Independent Examiner

5. Constitution (see note below)

6. Nomination and Election of new Committee members – see note below!!!

7. Open Discussion/AOB

A short (eg, 3 sentences) statement of your interest and any special skills would be appreciated together with nomination by two members. If you need help with this please contact a committee member or your street rep. www.aprastalbans.org

A draft new Constitution has been prepared and will be put to the AGM for discussion and approval. At the 2016 AGM Committee undertook to submit revisions to APRA’s existing Constitution (displayed on the website) in order to deal with technical problems that had become apparent in its implementation and a few inconsistencies, viz:
Clauses 5, 6 & 9 – rewritten as new Clauses 5 & 6 enabling re-election of Committee members and allowing them to allocate Officer roles as appropriate
Clause 16 on AGM setting fees deleted as it is already included, see new Clause 16(c)
Clause 19 (now 17) – notice period are increased to allow more time for nominations
Clause 21 (now 19) – simplified (no need for formal request for AGM business)
Clause 24 (now 22) – simplified procedure with no commitment to electronic voting
Clause 25 (now 23) – Committee given power to withhold membership, subject to appeal

St Albans School Buses: Update and Correction to Minutes of 2016 AGM

Item 2 reported that “Our proposed Code of Conduct for School bus operations had been ‘tweaked’ and passed to the School for approval”.

This was our understanding of the situation as relayed to the meeting. Unfortunately it appears that it was incorrect and we now know that St Albans School has not yet received an official copy from SADC, who have had our draft version since June 2016 when it was submitted as part of our response to the new Zone B car parking plan. We have been told that SADC are still working with the School on a potential code to ensure both Road Safety and the safety of schoolchildren: they hope to have this ready within the next few weeks. Our own version was passed to the Headmaster in January.

With the new Zone B TRO about to come into effect (6 March), traffic wardens will be able to issue Penalty Charge Notices to any vehicles blocking the bus and coach stand along the wall in Romeland Hill during the hours specified. If this proves effective it should help to ease rush-hour congestion in the road. Please keep us informed of any problems.