The first APRA Annual General Meeting will be held at Spicer Street Church on 18 November – free tea/coffee and biscuits will be served from 7.30 pm and the meeting will start promptly at 8.00 pm.
Reports on the past year’s business and financial status will be presented and opened to discussion. We also hope that there will be a short presentation from the charity Transition Streets on how street-sized groups working together can achieve energy savings.
IMPORTANT – There will be three vacancies on the committee for the coming year and we are keen to find enthusiastic new members prepared to give some time to working with us. Nominations should name Proposer and Seconder and include a very brief (100 words or less) introduction to the nominee and their interest in APRA, which will be advertised to voters. The nominations must be sent to Secretary APRA, 13 College Street, AL3 4PW or by e-mail to to arrive by the deadline of 28 October. Electronic votes will be available for those who cannot attend the AGM, but only paid-up members for 2014/2015 can vote.
ALSO IMPORTANT – Membership subscriptions are due from 1st November – please join or renew now. (£5 per individual, £8 for two members in the same household, £10 for commercial bodies). New members should download and complete an application form, which also gives payment options; renewing members need do so only if their details have changed. Payment will also be accepted at the AGM on arrival.