News updates February 2016

Verulamium Park. The problems of silting and resultant avian botulism in the lake (which is actually a very large pond about one metre deep and with a concrete base) have been the subject of wide-ranging investigation by the Parks and Green Spaces management team. A major report was discussed by the Local Services Scrutiny Committee on 5 November (where it was pointed out that very few complaints had been received about the condition of the lake) and an important update will be considered on TUESDAY 9 FEBRUARY AT 7pm (Agenda Item 11:

English Heritage is about to undertake a project restoring damaged or unsafe parts of the Roman wall. It is also understood that they will put up new notices asking people not to climb on it.

The Brickyard. A Licence Review called by APRA was held on 11 December 2015. ( The sub-committee was ‘satisfied that the premises has not complied with the licensing objective of prevention of public nuisance’. As a consequence a further condition was applied to the licence, requiring the rear courtyard area to be closed at 10 pm. The owner has appealed against the ruling and a hearing by Magistrates has been set for 29 and 30 June.

Local Strategic Plan. This has now reached the final stage of consultation (until 19 February) on the issue of whether the SLP meets the legal requirements and is “sound”.
It is considered very important that a locally-agreed plan is put in place as soon as possible, or else one may be imposed by government regardless of local opinion.

Potential planning application. Beechwood Homes have held a pre-planning consultation (now closed) on a new scheme to build one 5 bedroom house, four 4 bedroom town houses and three 2 Bedroom luxury apartments on the grounds of 1 Mount Pleasant, the adjacent plot. All buildings are planned as three storeys and neighbouring residents in Old Garden Court and Welclose Street have expressed disquiet. We should look out for the publication of formal planning applications.

Local Charities seeking support. The Friends of Victoria Playing Field appeal for re-equipping the children’s’ playing area has only 18 days left to reach its crowd-funding target and is hoping for further pledges.  It is very close, but failure to reach the target would mean the loss of all funding.

Ed Suttie (chairman of the Verulam Road RA) is skiing to the North Pole in April and all sponsorship donations will go to charities, including Rennie Grove Hospice care and Earthworks, St Albans.