17th APRA Committee Meeting, 7 March 2017

Abbey Precincts Residents Association
Minutes of 17th APRA Committee Meeting, 7 March 2017, 8.00pm, Cross Street Centre

1. Present: Peter Trevelyan (Chair), Robert Pankhurst, John Hedges, Justin Douglas, Norman James. Apologies: Andrew Yaras, Sally Hickman, Geoff Dyson.

2. Minutes for the last committee meeting and the AGM were approved with minor changes.

3. A correction to the AGM Minutes and a reminder that the new car parking arrangements had now come into force had been published on the website, but until street signage had been changed they were not operable.

4. A further APRA social event at Parkside House had been agreed with the Bishop of Richborough for 6-8 pm on Friday 30th June. Norman would organise this as for the event last summer, although it was recognised that families with young children might not find it as convenient [NJ].

5. Ideas for following up the successful archaeology lecture last December were mooted, e.g., a talk prior to the opening of the new St Albans Museum and one on archaeology within the Abbey might be sought nearer the time.

6. It was agreed that a letter welcoming the new editorial team of the Herts Advertiser would be a good idea, but that it would be better coming from the CRA. Robert would consult Geoff.

7. Further consideration of changes to the Constitution was held over for Sally’s input, hopefully at the next committee meeting.

8. Justin tabled a draft for an APRA Planning Policy which would lay out the basis on which we might or might not make representations to SADC. This was welcomed and Justin would make a number of small changes before circulating for approval.

St Albans School had been running a consultation with the neighbourhood including a preliminary meeting attended by Peter and Robert and a drop-in session prior to re-applying for planning approval for a new 10-classroom Maths Faculty building. Major concerns were expressed about the crowding of yet more buildings onto the site, part of which is in the Green Belt. Sharing of facilities with other parts of the local community would have traffic implications at a time when congestion and pollution were still at issue. We should try to prepare a joint approach to the expected re-application with other RAs – preferably through the CRA [RP to discuss with GD].

The re-applications for development at 1 Mount Pleasant and the College Place garage site were both still being considered by SADC, but we understood that the Case Officer report on the latter was complete and likely to result in an appeal. Robert would write to SADC with a list of our complaints of planning breaches sent during the last year that had not been replied to, and submit it to a Ward Councillor for action.

9. Robert thanked Justin for agreeing to take on the role of Membership Secretary. The first task would be to write to all members who had not paid subscriptions for last year (or in some cases for the last two years). This could be followed up by Street Reps if we asked them to chase non-payers [JD/RP]. John offered to organise a meeting of the Street Reps and a provisional date of 27 April was set for this.

10. Further discussion of required amendments Constitution was held over for Sally’s report, hopefully at the next committee meeting, which was provisionally set for 6 June.

The meeting closed at 9.55 pm