Abbey Precincts Residents Association
Minutes of twelfth APRA Committee Meeting, 19 February 2016, 8pm at 13 College Street.
1. Present: Peter Trevelyan (Chair), Geoff Dyson, Robert Pankhurst, Andrew Yaras, John Hedges, Norman James. Apologies: Gillian Field, Justin Douglas.
2. School buses. No further action was possible until details of implementation of new parking measure for Zone B were announced. A routine 6-monthly meeting of the Combined RA committee with the Headmaster was due next week and Geoff would report any outcome. [GD]
3. Car parking. John had left a message for John Charlton but had not received a reply. The October/November survey comments were still being reviewed but this should be complete by April, although the CPWP was not now due to meet again until 28 June. Robert would forward the few questionnaire returns that had been copied to APRA. [RP]
4. Mr Hanning’s appeal against the Licence Review result is now withdrawn. The new conditions (including 10pm closure of the rear courtyard) would now come into effect.
5. No recent issues with homeless people camping in Tankerfield Gardens had been reported and the height of the bushes had been reduced giving clearer views. Geoff had written to Anne Main MP about the homeless problems in St Albans that was at the root of the problem, and had been referred to David Revell (housing manager) who said that a multi-agency committee was due to debate this.
6. The state of Verulamium Lake had been debated at two recent meetings of the Local Services Scrutiny Committee. It was considered that mechanical aeration was not feasible and the parks officers were now pursuing ideas and costs involved in the use vegetation, either floating or planted behind gabions, to improve the quality of the water. Any adopted measures would need further funding to be found.
7. APRA would pass information on ‘Clean for the Queen’ litter picks to the membership. [RP]. The new small garden outside Centre 33 in George Street resulted from the initiative of Jude Dyson and Steve Hounslow (who built the sturdy wooden planters). The present planting by SADC contractors was thought to be disappointing and both APRA and the Civic Society would contribute to additional planting. [GD].
8. We should write to Sandy Walkington to thank him for organising and funding the improvements to the brick pavements in Lower Dagnall Street [RP]. It was noted that some of the kerb repairs had crumbled and that other pavements would benefit from improvement when money became available. Concern was also expressed about the residues of local building works, especially in College Place and Temperance Street, which could interfere with the effectiveness of drains.
9. Membership details needed to be brought up to date [AY, RP] but Andrew reported a surplus of £757. APRA might provide an official presence at ‘Larks in the Parks’ this summer [PT, NJ].
10. Our annual newsletter would be due in April and committee members were asked to provide material over the next month [ALL]. Hopefully this would include notice of a Spring party for the members (roughly 50 could be expected to attend) – Peter would enquire about using the Verulam Arms garden, although a private one would be preferable [PT].
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9pm. Next meeting April {tbc}