Minutes of eleventh APRA Committee Meeting, 1 December 2015, 8pm at 13 College Street.
1. Present: Peter Trevelyan (Chair), Geoff Dyson, Robert Pankhurst, Justin Douglas, Andrew Yaras, John Hedges, Norman James. Apologies: Gillian Field.
2. Peter welcomed Norman to the committee. This was a special limited-agenda meeting tracking current issues raised at the AGM of 17 November.
3. John reviewed the situation regarding possible continuation on holding SADC to account for not instituting the full Safety Audit recommended by SACTAF before adopting the current plan for a School Bus stand in Romeland Hill. He had with difficulty and at his own expense obtained a barrister’s advice, which was that the time limit on initiating a Judicial Review (JR) was passed. However since the necessary TRO was now tied into the new plan for car parking changes in Zones B, E and Q, another opportunity might arise when the decision to implement this was taken. The consultation period for the plan had not yet been announced, but was understood to be imminent. When it started we would need to react quickly to analyse the details and advise the membership of the main points they should consider. If enough then asked for the full Safety Audit, the process for a JR could be restarted. Gillian, Justin and John would undertake the analysis and communicate with members directly; it would be necessary to co-ordinate with FSRA and John agreed to contact Peter Godwin in advance.
4. The need for a Fighting Fund to pay for professional advice/representation was discussed. Initiating a JR was likely to cost £2000–3000, possibly rising to £10,000 depending upon the extent of professional legal input or £0 with none.
5. Geoff reported on a CRA meeting with the Headmaster in November. A possible drop-off at Waxhouse Gate had been suggested but the Headmaster said that the cathedral authorities did not want schoolboys walking through the grounds. In any case it was not suitable for pick-up – the most problematic time. John asked to be consulted on School bus proposals before they are made in future.
6. Car Parking- we were still waiting for the consultation announcement (see above).
7. Robert updated the ever-changing situation with The Brickyard. The appeal against refusal of use of the front courtyard after 11 pm, scheduled for 7-8 December had been withdrawn – SADC costs preparing for this must have been significant. The renewed application for the same variation of the licence would now be heard by a licensing sub-committee on 7 January. However, the main event was still the Licence Review on 11 December, called by APRA who would have to present the case. Those involved would get together within a few days to discuss strategy, especially with regard to timing. Justin offered to help with honing the presentation.
The meeting closed at 9.55pm